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CAN CH Savvy A Promise To Keep "Harley"

Harley, (aka Harleelee, Harceecee and Harlieta) our apricot “beauti girl’ is currently four and came to us at a little over a year old. Harley is so loving and if it were up to her, she would be glued to you 24/7, this is no joke! She recently earned her conformation championship from the Canadian Kennel Club and will be working on her earning a rally title next. Harley enjoys fetch and has a true passion for all things edible. She lives her matriarchal role as the oldest female and keeps her herd inline, and very much enjoys this role. She embodies the water aspect of the poodle breed and often needs to be forced out of the water when its time to go. Harley has also produced gorgeous hearty poodle litters and has proven most happy, when with her babies.

Harley Show Photos_edited.jpg

     Health Information


Health testing is essential in safeguarding the preservation of any dog breed. The following link will direct you to Harley's extensive health records: 


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